ICYMI: Ron Working to Rein in Washington, Create Good Wisconsin Jobs
In case you missed it, the Racine Journal Times reported that Ron Johnson was in Racine last week talking about getting Washington out of the way and helping manufacturers create good Wisconsin jobs.
Below are excerpts of the article on Ron’s visit to Racine, one of many he’s made to manufacturing facilities across Wisconsin during Manufacturing Month. You can read the whole article here.
… Johnson, who operated Oshkosh-based plastics company Pacur, visited Racine manufacturers A&E Inc. and Cree, pushing smaller government and respect for businesses.
Johnson told employees at A&E, 5501 21st St., that federal government should “devolve,” with more power given to communities and states. Many programs are well-intentioned but the federal government isn’t capable of overseeing them, he said.
“Let’s reclaim our individual liberty and freedom,” Johnson told a group of about 100 workers in the building cafeteria. “That’s what made this country great. Not big government.”
Speaking to reporters afterward, Johnson said that view contrasts sharply with former U.S. Sen. Russ Feingold, his opponent in the 2016 election.
Johnson said he “has faith in the citizens of Wisconsin” to make decisions for themselves, accusing Feingold of forcing legislation, such as the Affordable Care Act, on residents.
“He’s one of these elite politicians, thinks he’s smarter than the average person,” Johnson said. “And he’s willing to impose different types of pieces of legislation.
“I want to bring government back to the governed, and Senator Feingold wants to grow the federal government, which is a pretty dysfunctional, broken place.”
Read the article online: http://journaltimes.com/news/local/johnson-urges-shrinking-federal-government/article_ca1aaa86-a282-5a01-92ee-b89da8812474.html