Letter to the Editor: Ron is using his outsider approach to work for Wisconsin


Amy from Milton wrote that Ron is using his outsider approach to work for Wisconsin. She wrote, “Johnson’s an accountant and a manufacturer and has used those skills to begin to clean up the wasteful spending that politicians in both parties have gotten us into. Johnson is a tireless bipartisan senator. He deserves reelection.”

From the Janesville Press Gazette:

Sen. Ron Johnson is one of the country’s most productive senators, having sponsored 627 pages of legislation in this session that have successfully become law.

Johnson passed a law through Congress to help keep terrorists out of the U.S. by reforming the visa waiver program. Johnson offered the top proposal in the U.S. Senate to deal with the flow of Syrian refugees. His legislation would require that the federal government certify that Syrian refugees have been fully vetted before they’re allowed here.

Remarkably, the freshman Johnson is chairman of the powerful Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs. His committee has been extremely active, finding bipartisan areas of agreement and passing 70 bills, the most of any Senate committee, 20 of which have become law. Johnson is using the power of his committee to push the federal government to secure the border, an issue that is even more important in the wake of the recent terrorist attacks.

Johnson also had the committee hold a field hearing in Tomah so he could hear from all of the victims’ families in the VA scandal. Johnson went on the attack against Washington bureaucrats when he found out that whistleblowers within the VA have been facing retaliation for voicing their concerns.

Johnson’s an accountant and a manufacturer and has used those skills to begin to clean up the wasteful spending that politicians in both parties have gotten us into.

Johnson is a tireless bipartisan senator. He deserves reelection.

